When we reached the airport yesterday, our flight is still 4 hours away and we were so early, our check-in counter was not even open yet.
I got really bored and I didn't want to drain my phone's battery from emailing Zech and checking on facebook/twitter all the time so I went to the book shop hoping to get some magazines because they are a a few ringgits cheaper there compared to here (or how they like to refer it as East Malaysia).
So there I was in the shop going through shelves of books and magazines when I saw this book,
Where Rainbows End by
Cecilia Ahern. Now who doesn't know Cecilia Ahern! If you don't know her by her books, then you know the movie that they've adapted from her novel,
P/S I love you. I glanced through the summary and I thought the story was cute.
Thing is, I haven't been reading any books for so many years now when people ask me if I do like to read, I'd say only magazines. Truth is, since way back in primary school and all through my high school years, I love books! If you can't find me at the CD store (there were no mp3s and I was a big fan of buying my boybands original CDs. You know, N Sync all that), you'd find me in a bookstore. I'd go out shopping and bring back 3 different books and 3 different CDs. No clothes, shoes or whatsoever in that category.
So I was quite hesitant in getting the book, not sure if I still have the interest or vibe in reading. I know the author is famous for great novels, the story from the summary is something I know I would love to read. With the thought of spending another 4 hours waiting? I grabbed the book, took the latest copy of Women's Weekly and Her World, purchased!
Where Rainbows End by Cecilia Ahern
Guess what? I bought the book at 4pm yesterday at KLIA, 4pm today I'm done reading it! Done in less than 24 hours. I still got the vibe after all. Still a bookworm at heart! Event slept at 2am last night cos the next page can't wait for tomorrow.
All I have to say is, I love the book and was quite sad that it had to end. Yet I was so excited in getting myself another book! Most probably also by Cecelia Ahern. Any other suggestions? I love romantic comedies be it for movies or books. Sappy romance with hints of humor.
Sazzy Falak and Cameron Diaz on magazine covers
Sazzy's post pregnancy look is unbelievable. She's as gorgeous as ever!
I want to have babies and look like her please please please?
Anyways, I'm definitely going book hunting again soon.