
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hello there

I start to blog again!

I have been neglecting my blog for more than a year now especially since I had the Blackberry, I seem to constantly update my twitter and it's just way more convenient compared to opening up blogger then start to compose something out word by word.

But I have to admit there are times when 140 characters are just not enough! So I guess after going through a series of unfortunate events (i just had to type that out!) I mean, after going through a lot of times when I wish was still blogging because there is so much more to say, here I am.

Going through my old blog, I love how I documented my life in Uni and there were things I don't remember now that I did then. I wish to do the same now (hopefully!) so that one day, I could still look back and go through my daily rants and remember the littlest things I have forgotten.

I wanted to create a new blog but I hate trying to find the right url name. I usually come up with the lamest things! So before I embarrassed myself with something like, I might as well use this url back.

What happened to the old entries? Changed the url to something else and made it private. I didn't have the heart to delete everything because there were so much memories in there. Reading them back, I also noticed I haha, hehe, LOL, and ! a whole lot! I'm such a syok-sendiri-blogger! Will try to minimize that from now on so that I'll sound more sensible and matured *pukes-a-bucket-of-blood*

Come to think of it, I started blogging at the age of 16 while I was in form 4. My classmate kinda intro-ed to me the whole thing and it has been going on since. Blogging has come a long way the past 9 years. I remember the internet connection then was a dial up 1515 that goes truuttt tuutt tuutt truuuttt eeeee oooo tutttt before it actually connects!

Oh I sound so emo and serious.

As for life updates after my graduation, to simplify things;

1. I got a job based on my obtained degree though I still wish I'm doing something else.
2. I work on Saturdays which I hate very much. I have so little time left during weekends to do whatever I want do!
3. I got engaged to the love of my life on 17 July, 2010.
4. Now I'm a bride to be :)
5. The wedding is on 1st October, 2011!

Yup, that pretty much sums it up! Now I need to go find a new layout cos these cupcakes are making me hungry.


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