
Friday, January 6, 2012

It's no big deal

The issue has gone so out of hand that when you google "Amalina", you'll be directed to Nur Amalina Che Bakri with the first site found is a Wikipedia page made for her with her excellence in her education. But her write up had to be tainted with a one liner that goes "On January 2nd, 2012, controversial pictures, believed to be Nur Amalina Che Bakri. who is currently in her final year, leaked online. She later posted a video online explaining the situation.".

Seriously people? Grow up!

I wasn't aware of the issue at first but our media seemed to have the tendency of shoving things into our face. I thought, oh no what have this girl done? So I got curious and look it up on the internet thinking she might have lost her phone somewhere with naked pictures of herself and some random thief who got her phone has uploaded it on her twitter account (you know, ala Hayley of Paramore style).

Then I found it and I go, that's it?

She was accused of failing in her studies which was not true because she is doing well, still being sponsored, still making education excellence related stuff that she does. However, what concerns our fellow citizens is not her education performance (which made her famous and known in the first place), but how she looked like then when she got her SPM results 4 years ago and now. Biggest concern? She was wearing hijab with baju kurung then, now she has ash brown hair with tights and boots to suit her winter weather. It is so bizarre that the issue made it to the prime time news last night!

IMHO, if it's just because of her appearance, give it a rest and just stop the whole critic party. Stop judging her with all the cynical comments. There are sure more news-worthy material that should make its way to the prime time news.

I'm not her supporter nor am I a fan or agree of her doings but I'm not perfect either. Who are we to judge her faith in God. She might be wrong, but so are the media for blowing things up out of proportions and so are you for being so judgmental. She excelled in her studies then and still doing well now, that matters most right?


Anonymous said...

bizarre not bazaar;)

Nadia said...

YIKES! my fingers typed faster than my brain could think. hehe... changed! and thank you :)

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